Helpful Professional License Defense Information:
Century Law Group, LLP attorneys represent more professionals against their boards, to protect licenses, than any law firm in California, and for one reason — we take our clients’ futures seriously. Our experienced lawyers understand that the outcomes of disciplinary actions affect not only your immediate circumstances, but also career opportunities, going forward. When the stakes are at their highest, so is our commitment to you.
Decades Of Experience Safeguarding Clients’ Interests
During our many years of experience, we have successfully safeguarded the interests of day care and assisted living facilities, protecting the rights of these clients against charges of abandonment, general negligence, noncompliance with technical rules on safety, unsafe environments, “tough love” battery, inappropriate supervision, and child abuse and neglect.
Our skilled team of license defense lawyers brings the same dedication, knowledge and personal attention to quality legal services when a denial or revocation must be appealed. We research exhaustively, write thoughtfully and present persuasively before appellate panels.
Schedule Your Appointment
Contact any of our Century Law Group, LLP, law offices in Los Angeles, San Diego or Northern California