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California health care regulators seek to revoke MD’s license

It is eminently clear that the Medical Board of California commands considerable power and oversight over health care professionals across the state. The agency has a broad mandate to protect the public’s health, and does so through regulating care providers and being the arbiter over all license-linked matters.

We note on our website at the experienced license-defense Century Law Group, LLP (with multiple offices spanning the state) that a doctor’s professional credentials “may come under review as a result of many different factors.”

One of those is the board’s determination that a physician materially erred in making a patient diagnosis. That was the body’s finding in a recent investigation targeting a Hollywood doctor that a board panel ruled was “grossly negligent” in his findings and treatment recommendation concerning a child.

Some of our readers might already be familiar with the matter, given that it has been a high-profile story in the media lately. The case involves a young boy who the board stated was wrongly diagnosed by the doctor with ADHD and bipolar disorder. That finding issued in the absence of any independent input from the child’s teachers or a mental health expert. The physician prescribed marijuana cookies to control the boy’s emotions.

The board forcefully responded to that by ordering the doctor’s license to be revoked. The doctor quickly appealed the decision to a state court. A hearing on the matter is scheduled for March 12. The license revocation is on hold pending its result, with the physician being allowed to work subject to some stated restrictions.

The case is instructive on several grounds. For starters, of course, it underscores the central and active role that the Medical Board plays in professional license matters. And it also spotlights the key reality that the board’s powers are not unchecked, being subject to judicial review.

We note that important point on our website, stressing the advocacy we routinely bring to bear on behalf of clients seeking reconsideration of an adverse board decision in court.

A medical professional’s license is hard-earned and tremendously valuable. Proven license-defense attorneys can help protect it.

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